Ingemar Ernberg Research Group on Tumor Biology

Ingemar Ernberg

viral and cellular genes involved in tumorigenicity, cell-cell interaction, virus load and impact of the latent infection. One EBV-related disease that we focus on is Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC).

Apart from EBV genetic factors play a role and we work with cancer genetics to find susceptibility genes.

We have a subgroup working with bioinformatic tools in cancer and infections, called the biocomplexity group.

We are also starting a project on the normal flora of the gut, and one on the impact of oxidative radicals on cell life and death

Karolinska Institutet

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Phone: +46-8-728 62 62, Fax: +46-8-31 94 70

Last update: 2000-08-24 by Hong Zou

Altogether the group consists of 20 members. Our group is focused on Tumor Biology. We are studying factors at the cell and host level that together constitute the basis for tumor development.

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection in man is "a model" that we are using to elucidate the complex sequence of events leading to tumor development. This is the most common virus in man and at the same time associated with a dozen tumors in man. With this natural infection we study