
The group is involved in teaching to medical students and biomedical students. Jenny Almqvist is coordinating the seminars for the medical students. Ingemar Ernberg is responsible for the preclinical part of a Biomedical Course in Oncology &Tumor Biology for the biomedical students, which is provided every autumn for 8 weeks. Kerstin Falk is amanuens for this course during this autumn, with special focus on laborations.










Karolinska Institutet


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Members of the group




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Karolinska Institutet, MTC, Box 280, SE-171 77  Stockholm
Visitor adress: KI Campus, Theorells väg 3, room F452, Solna
Phone: +46-8-728 62 62, Fax: +46-8-31 94 70

Last update: 2000-08-24 by Hong Zou